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Immunization Requirements

Arkansas law requires immunization for all students enrolled in public schools. Every student must have all vaccines, be in the process of receiving needed doses, show proof of immunity, or applied for an exemption for those vaccines he/she has not received in order to continue attendance in school. The following immunization requirements are:

  • Dtap: (Diptheria/Tetanus/Accellar Pertussis): All students in grades K-12 will be required to have 4 Dtap vaccinations.
  • Polio: All students in grades K- 12 will be required to have 4 Polio vaccinations.
  • Hepatitis B: All students in grades K-12 will be required to have 3 Hepatitis B vaccinations.
  • Hepatitis A:  All students in Kindergarten will be required to have 1 Hepatitis A vaccination. All students in 1st grade will be required to have 1 Hepatitis A vaccination and then a 2 vaccinations at least 6 months after the first vaccine.
  • MMR: (Measles/Mumps/Rubella): All students in grades K-12 will be required to have 2 MMR vaccinations.
  • Varicella: All students in grades K-12 will be required to have 2 varicella vaccinations. Parental History of disease is not accepted.
  • Tdap: All students 11 years and older by September 1st of each year will be required to have a Tdap vaccine.
  • MCV4: (Meningococcal): All 7th graders will be required to have 1 MCV4 vaccination with a second dose administered at age 16. If not vaccinated prior to age 16, 1 vaccination is required for all students who are age 16 on or before September 1st of each year.
  • State law mandates that students who transfer from another school either within the state or from out-of-state show proof of immunization. If not up-to-date, students have 30 days to become compliant. The only proof of immunization to be accepted will be a certificate by a licensed physician, the health department, or a military physician. Dates of vaccine administration must be provided. Terms such as up-todate, complete, and adequate are not acceptable.